Int'l Medical Students' Association


The International Medical Students Association is A Group of dynamic students with the intent of providing a positive state of well-being ,conceived the intelligent idea of forming a common front for the entire international medical students in Jiangsu University with the consent of OEC.

Our aim is:

To foster students interest in future careers in medical education.

To participate in and support student-to-student educational effort.

Collaborate with OEC and school of medicine Educational improvements.


1. Summer clerkship.

Clerkship will take place every summer and winter vacation, at number one hospital and expanding to other hospitals, with a number of students around 40 which has increased to double the number of previous years.

Beneficial, where medical students get to practice what they learn in theory classes and books, and it gives medical students an expose to their future carrier.

Organized, It takes place at different departments of the hospital, the students are divided into groups ,each group will shadow a doctor in a certain specialty for a certain period ,then they move to do rotation in another department ,so by the end of the clerkship you’ve rotated in 4 different departments including General surgery ,Neurology ,Nephrology, gastroenterology, endocrine and respiratory , Emergency medicine .

Throughout the past year, we found that this practice is very essential, that keep the student learning during vacations without stopping, and it gives them the purpose and the ambitious to study hard.

2. Change the constitution.

From the previous year and when this organization started, there was a 50 Yuan membership fees to join IMSA and enjoy its activities, and be able to vote and contest.

Through the proposal of IMSA to the OEC, We would change the registration fees rule in IMSA constitution and cancel the annual registration fees that have been a barrier for IMSA activities to get to everybody, and then every medical student can be a member. We would remain grateful for your consideration.

On October, starting of the new semester these activities will take place:-

3. IMSA Cards for every medical student.

The IMSA board will admit every medical student to be a member of IMSA, and will issue IMSA cards with the cost on the members, that will be needed as Identification cards during Practical classes at the hospital and clerkships.

4. Welcoming freshmen ceremony.

Welcoming games for fresher’s ,activities to Break the ICE and give them the chance to meet each other and make friendships ,that will occur during the day ,and it will be followed with the very well known “the white coat ceremony” .lab coat, IMSA memberships and IMSA Cards ,the oath, and Memorable photographs.

5. First Aid Training, Emergency response team.

A team of medical students will be picked, exact number of 16 members that has increased to 25 members this year, led by Dr.Zhou, the head of first aid department of Number 3 hospital, students are trained and awarded their certificates. This team efficiently acts on urgent incidences at the dorm and take care of people who fall sick, as they also serve in Sport activities and other events when they’re needed.

Newly this year, a special guest to IMSA the American specialist Family Doctor Dr.Laast, Dr.Laast will volunteer to Train IMSA Emergency response team, and will be in charge of giving IMSA emergency team very intensive First aid training for the Period of one month every weekend.

On February, and by the starting of the second semester:-

6. Medical Seminar “ The Synapse ”

This provides a platform for the transfer of information across groups and students to become abreast with current medical subjects worldwide.

Encourages students to do a research and analysis on their particular topics, and be able to share it with everybody!

7. Winter Clerkship.

A period of around 2 weeks, an increased number of students from different grades will get the chance to practice, and the rest of the time will be left for students to enjoy the Chinese New Year.

8. Physiology Quiz “ The Medical Trivia”.

MBBS students from different years come together and faced the challenge. Participants took an extra mile to test their knowledge, they’ll work together as a team and use a lot of their spare time and weekends to study and revise physiology together with the presence of physiology teacher in each session. And the quiz consisted of three rounds, Multiple choice questions, clinical cases and definitions.

The winners are expected to represent Jiangsu University on 13th June in Xuzhou, Mainland China Physiology Competition where teams from all over China shall come together to challenge each other ,and the final competition will be in Malaysia to let the world know what kind of metal Jiangsu University students made of .

9. Election & Handing over ceremony.

After serving for a whole year of giving, sharing and helping medical students, it comes to an end on May where new elections will start allowing medical students to vote for executive members to represent them in IMSA.

Medical Practices taking place throughout the year:-

1. Case based learning.

Where teachers from the hospital will come with a medical case and discuss it in all aspects of medical diagnosis, pathology, pharmacology, and treatment.

2. “SEE one, DO one, Teach one” Program.

Where medical students who are brilliant in a subject can get a chance benefit his classmates’, where IMSA will arrange time and place for those students to give a revision and solve questions related to that subject as a revision for the final exams.

3. IMSA magazine “The Pulse”

The activities IMSA organized had been a breath of fresh air on the campus to showcase these activities IMSA decided to conceive ‘THE PULSE’ our very own students’ magazine, designed by the students, for the students!

The aim is to portray many talents of JSU, interesting medical articles, facts, puzzles, etc.

Constitution of the International Medical Association- Jiangsu University (IMSA-JSU)








Contact Us

08:30-11:30  |  14:00-17:00

Admissions Office: +86-511-88792366

Students' Affairs: +86-511-88792566

Teaching Affairs: +86-511-88792216

No. 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu P.R. China 212013
