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Notice of Chinese Government Scholarship Application

(CSC Scholarship B&R Program)

The Chinese Government Scholarship for Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification program at Jiangsu University (JSU) has been approved. We are happy to invite all outstanding international young talents to apply. This program will be covered by CSC full scholarship and the following is the admission information:

1. Places: 21 Candidates

2. Level: undergraduate students, bachelor

3. Study Field (5 majors in total):

 Students who are applying for the program should select the major of "Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification", which can be found under BELT AND ROAD COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL TALENTS. Although it is a four-year degree program, students will only choose their study field in the fourth semester from the majors written below. During the study period, students will have a professional practice, which is no less than one academic year in total.


   (1) Agricultural Electrification

  (2) Agricultural Mechanization & Automation

  (3) Energy & Power Engineering (Power Machinery Engineering & Automation)

  (4) Energy & Power Engineering (Fluid Machinery and Engineering)

  (5) Mechanical Designing & Manufacturing & Automation

4. Medium of Instruction: Chinese (no Chinese basis required, students will study Chinese from Sep. 2019 to July 2020)

5. Length of Schooling: 4 years (from Sep. 2020 to July 2024)

6. Country: countries along the "Belt and Road"

7. Application Deadline: June 8, 24:00h (Beijing time)

8. Application Procedures:

Step 1: Apply on the Chinese Government Scholarship website (

Step 2: Apply atJiangsu University Online Application System(;

9. Publication of Results: 17 June

10. Other Information

Please check the scholarship information(INCLUDINGMAIL ADDRESS) on the CSC website and other application information on the website of the Overseas Education College of Jiangsu University at //

Please check the link to knowhow to apply, and check the link to know how to filling the application atGuidance for Online Application Information.

Contact or 0511-88792366 for more information.

Contact Us

08:30-11:30  |  14:00-17:00

Admissions Office: +86-511-88792366

Students' Affairs: +86-511-88792566

Teaching Affairs: +86-511-88792216

No. 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu P.R. China 212013
