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Notice on the Awarding Graduate Degree in the second half of 2021

In order to do a good job in awarding the graduate degree in the second half of 2021, the following announcements are given concerning the examination, defense, degree evaluation and certificate issuance of the dissertations:

The degree thesis of all categories of graduate students must carry out the examination of academic misconduct(Plagiarism) of the degree thesis before it is sent for examination . Taking into account the needs of summer students, the academic misconduct testing of dissertations is scheduled for July 21 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00a.m. and 14:30 p.m. to 16:30 p.m . Respective schools and faculty are incharge of Internal review of the thesis. Summer submissions for external review can be done in between July 21-23 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00a.m.; 14:30 to 16:30 p.m. To ensure that graduate dissertations are submitted for examination on time, the deadline for submission and approval of september batch of doctoral dissertations is set at July 23 and the deadline for the submission of master's is set at September 3 . Students must pass internal review before the thesis is sent for external review . Students must prepare all the documents before July 21 . Students who planned to graduate in September and passed internal review can get the documents signed between June 28 to July 3 and July 21 to July 23 (Phd and Master)and September 1 to September 3 (Only Master)

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Steps for students:

Step 1

PhD students : Submit your thesis at your school and get the internal review report

Master students :Submit your thesis to your supervisor and get his consent regarding your thesis .

Step 2

Get your postgraduate & PhD training handbook duly filled and signed.

Note: In the last page Implementation of curriculum study plan must be signed by your school secretary, Topic selection by supervisor, Completion of education procedures by

2015,2016,2017 Students @ Li 老师 ,1406 , OEC

2018 and later students @ Nitin 老师,517, International office, Graduate school

Spot check by graduate school by Nitin 老师,517, international office, Graduate school

Step 3

Submit your thesis to your respective faculty [Secretary].The dissertations of all types of postgraduates must be tested for academic misconduct [Plagiarism] before it is submitted for trial (see Annex1 for details). Only those who pass the check can further continue to submit their dissertation for blind trial.

Step 4

Prepare the documents for evaluation:

a. Application form to submit dissertation [soft and hard copy, 2 copies]

b. Basic information form [soft and hard copy, 2 copies,please make sure your personal information, your name, birthday, major]

c. Dissertation information form [soft and hard copy, 2 copies,Must be filled under the supervision of supervisor ]

d. Handbook [Must be filled and signed] [If you are outside china and dont have training book ,inquire school secretary for soft copy ]

e. Transcript [2 hard copies] (Transcripts will be prepared after all the documents are verified )

f. Academic card (master: at least 10 times. PhD: at least 15 times)

g. Plagiarism report

h. HSK certificate

I. Thesis [PDF and shouldn’t contain any information regarding supervisor or publications]

J. PhD students [Internal review report]

Please prepare all your materials to your school secretary.

Appendix 1: Requirements for further detection of academic misconduct in postgraduate dissertations and the processing methods for acquiring results in various disciplines.

Appendix 2: Application form for Outstanding graduate thesis of Jiangsu University

Master (2015,2016,2017 Students):1.Application form to submit disseration;2.Basic information form3.Dissertation information form

Master (2018 and later students):1.Application form to submit disseration;2.Basic information form;3.Dissertation information form

PHD:(2015,2016,2017 Students):1.Application form to submit disseration;2.Basic information form;3.Dissertation information form

PHD (2018 and later students):1.Application form to submit disseration;2.Basic information form;3.Dissertation information form

All colleges are requested to make overall arrangements for the submission of thesis for trial and approval according to the number of graduate students and their specific conditions.If the comments of the dissertations submitted for trial cannot be returned in time for defense, the graduate students bear full responsibility by themselves.When the comments of all types of graduate students submitted by the Graduate School are received, the Degree Office will send them electronically to the Teaching Secretary of the School.The defense time of postgraduate dissertations should be determined after receiving the opinions of postgraduate dissertations and must fulfill the requirements for defense. Failure to comply with the provisions of this article will not ensure that thesis defense is carried out on schedule.It is particularly emphasized that if dissertation opinions and comments do not fulfill the requirements, the defense of a dissertation is invalid.

In principle, offline defense must be adopted for dissertation defense. Please refer to “The Implementation Rules of Degree Awarding work of Jiangsu University” for details of defense provisions. If there are certain special circumstances so that unable to return to school, the online defense can be adopted after the application is approved.

Requirements and conditions to apply for outstanding dissertations.

According to the spirit of the "Selection Method for Excellent Graduate Dissertations of Jiangsu University", postgraduates who intend to apply for Outstanding Dissertations must submit their applications before submitting their dissertations for examination, and fill in the "Application Form for Outstanding Graduate Dissertations of Jiangsu University" (see Annex6 for the template). After obtaining the consent of the supervisor, it shall be sent to the teaching secretary of the college in electronic format during the prescribed time. After verification, the teaching secretary shall summarize the information in a unified approval sheet and submit it to the Graduate School’s Degree Office. If the applicant fails to file an application, the declaration of this excellent dissertation will be invalid.

Granting graduation and degree certificates.

Preparation of certificate

All graduate diploma are printed by OEC & IEAO and degree certificates are printed by graduate school. Each school is responsible for the photo paste of the certificate, and the time to paste it will be notified later.

Issuance of certificate

The certificate must be approved by the Institute, finance department and graduate school. The time for exclusive collection of certificates will be notified separately in due course. Certificate holders are requested to receive the certificate at the exclusive time. Otherwise, only Thursday afternoons, after one month of expiratory period, will be the time for obtaining the certificate (except holidays).

Replacement of certificate

Students who need to change their certificates due to errors in the information must submit written applications to the Graduate School Degree Office at the beginning of the next batch. The certificates can be replaced only after the valid reason of the application certificate is accepted . Such applications are not accepted in this batch. All colleges and graduate schools are warmly invited to do a good job in awarding the graduate students in the first half of 2021.

学期工作时间学位论文送审报批时间仍为每周一下午和周四上午。暑期送审报批时间为7月21-23号上午9:00-11:00,下午14:30-16:30。为确保研究生学位论文按时答辩,本批次博士学位论文送审报批截止时间定为7月23日,硕士学位论文报批送审截止时间定为9月3日。请各bob体育登录平台网站手机入口 务必根据本批次拟毕业研究生的人数及具体情况统筹安排好论文送审报批进度。送审报批截止日之后提交送审的研究生学位论文,其“盲审”工作正常办理,但原则上本批次不受理其作者的学位申请。研究生学位论文的答辩时间应在收到“同意答辩”的研究生学位论文评阅意见后确定。不符合本条规定的论文答辩将不能确保按期进行。特别强调,无学位论文评阅意见及评阅意见不同意答辩的学位论文的答辩一律无效



1、成绩单(2017 ,2016 :海外bob体育登录平台网站手机入口 李老师 ,2018,2019 :国际教育 Nitin)

2、HSK证书(2017 ,2018 级以及之前学生需提供HSK2级证书,2019年后学生需提供HSK3级证书,若学生暂时没有也可送审,毕业时凭HSK证书领取毕业证或学位证)。





7、所发表的论文:SCI检索、CPCI-S/ISSH检索、SSCI检索的论文需提供web of science网站上能查询到的带有WOS号的页面;EI检索的论文需提供EI网页查询到的带有accession number的页面;发表期刊论文提供带有期刊名、论文题目、页码、作者排名、作者单位的证明材料;录用的论文需提供盖章的录用通知(如果是邮件或者在线录用的需导师签字确认);专利获奖、参与项目等证明材料均要有可查询信息以及排名





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