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International conference summary report-ABDULLAH

Conference Series LLC Ltd arranges different scientific programs bringing together the world’s scientific experts, community leaders, to promote and enhance scientific knowledge and scientific collaborations around the world. One of their scientific forums “3rdInternational Conference on Nuclear and Plasma Physics” was held on November 05-06, 2018 at London city in the UK. The event was organized by Conference Series LLC, Europe in collaboration with generous support and cooperation from enthusiastic academicians and Editorial Board Members.

The 3rdInternational Conference on Nuclear and Plasma Physics welcomed several physicists, scientists, nuclear and plasma physics researchers online visitors ranging from researchers, academicians and business professionals, who are working in this field from various institutes and countries. High profile personalities at the forum wereEliade Stefanescu, Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Romania,Daniel Symes, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK,Guenter Mank, Julich disposal company for nuclear plants mbH, Germany,Adele Lauria, University of Naples Federico II, Italy,Leonardo S Lima, CEFET-MG, Brazil,Samuel Lellouch, University of Lille, France,Lalitha Nath, Independent Researcher, USA,Valentyn Alekseevitch Nastasenko, Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine.

One of the excellent students of OEC that participated in this forum, as a speaker, was Mr. Abdullah. The purpose of attending the Nuclear and Plasma Physics conference was to network with his peers, exchange expertise and experiences, and arm himself with the latest information to take the school to the next level. Although, he is a master student in Mathematics, but his scientific research work and the outcomes are comparable to PhD students. He works in several fields of Applied Mathematics and have published more than 10 research papers in different SCI, EI and international journals.

Abdullah presented his work that was carried out in Plasma Physics. His work focuses on modelling the nonlinear solitary waves in a magnetized electron-positron-ion plasma. New techniques are introduced to find the exact travelling wave solutions of the nonlinear models arising in different fields of applied sciences. Furthermore, the work focuses on electrostatic potential, electric field, magnetic field and electron fluid pressure. The fruitful results demonstrate the efficiency and precision of the work. The results are important in different branches of physics and other areas of engineering and can provide help for researchers to study and understand the physical interpretation of the system. The research work and the published papers have the ability that researchers and scientists from all over the world read and appreciate it, and invite him to different scientific forums. This was the reason to have had this opportunity.

My Experience

Due to the outstanding and inspiring record, I had got to the UK without any difficulty. I had gone to London almost a month before the conference date and prepared new and exciting research work. Although all the speakers were much senior and well experienced, but still I found myself in the same line with them as they appreciated me a lot. In the morning session of the first day of November 5, some scientists gave their presentations after the opening ceremony. Their work was practical rather than theoretical as they were working in nuclear plants or laboratories. After lunch, some professors from different universities and countries presented their work.

I tried to understand their work and asked some questions. The last presentation of the day was mine. I was the only speaker that is a student, but I didn’t hesitate. I found myself very confident. The PPT was well managed and attractive where there was a brief introduction of the Jiangsu university on the very first page. My presentation and confidence were appreciated and I was directed to keep it up. After the poster presentation, there was awards and closing ceremony. I was awarded the “certificate of recognition”. This was the end of the session of the day.

On the second day, there was a networking breakfast, Lunch and refreshment. This was the time for one to one meeting with the scientists, professors and researchers. I met them all and got advises and directions. We exchanged our cultures and ideas. I was guided for more research and further study. After the conference, I stayed there in the UK for a couple of months for further improving my academic, writing and research ability that was done successfully. After a few days, the abstract and then the full paper was published in one of their related journal “Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics”.

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