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OEC HEART successfully organized the mandala drawing competition

As part of the OEC Psychology Association (HEART)Program, aMandala Drawing (colour filling) Competition was organizedfromSeptember 20thto 29th2017, as it is one of the‘university mental health weeks’. Toshowdiversity among the participants, the MandalaDrawingCompetition offered three sets ofblank mandalas for students to work on.

In modern Psychology, Mandala is considered as the“internal universe picture” of an individual. Carl Jung relates the process of drawing mandala to one’s personal growth and self-realization. It is repeatedly proven how calming and stress-relieving it is to draw a mandala.

Across the entire OECians,numerousstudentssubmitted diverse Mandala patterns forthis competition and the resultswaspublished for all to see how devised our thinking is and a consistent trend in psychological studies of inner aesthetics and creativity. To ensure the fairness of the results, selected judges sat to select the winners without knowing the names of the participants.

Mandala Drawingcompetitionhasbeen a great success, considering the number of the participants, the beauty of the received mandalas, and the mindset of student when drawing the mandala. OEC Psychology association is amazed by how creative and motivated our overseas students can be.

Here is the comment of a participant:

Finished my mandala, on my way to submit it. It felt so good to be a part of this competition; I could express myself in this mandala-my life. It’s not only about the colors, the black made me the person who I’m now. We don’t grow only from success and the good things that happen to us, I’ve learnt from the good and the bad things that happened in life. All the small details represent the small steps I made, and all those small steps together are strong and beautiful together now. That is success. Last but not least, my life isn’t finished, and so I left blank spaces which is still in progress.

Bravo to all and thanks for showing the world that, there is more to Lenses than just the Eye-Ball.

Writer: OPK; Editors: OEC HEART

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