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HIH Donated 3,490,870 Grains of Rice; Ranked 33rd Globally

Organized by the Universal Hand In Hand association, it was yet another online trivia "FREE RICE", this time however, with a difference. 45 international students and 5 Chinese students participated in a race that lasted 5 days since June 24th. The goal of the game was to answer questions and earn points which will raise funds for UNITED NATIONS WORLD FOOD PROGRAM. Each correct answer per person was equivalent to 10 grains of rice. The trivia questions were based on general knowledge on COVID-19, global issues, health and environment.

We played the game...Answered COVID-19 facts...We improved our knowledge...And at the same time...Donated for a great cause....

The race started slowly and later gained steam. Everyone was heading for the top 3. After 5 days of fierce competition, Our group “Jiangsu University Hand in Hand” moved up the leader board from 26000+ to 33rd position globally, and contributed 3,490,870 Grains of Rice to the United Nations World Food Program.

1st position

ARIVAZLAGAN JAIKUMAR (659,000 grains of rice) “Winning or Losing! is not the main focus. My goal is to donate the maximum grains of rice to the needy. This motivates me to help someone, somewhere in the world. Thanks for this amazing opportunity and also many thanks to the team Hand in Hand.”

2nd position

KAVIN DINAKARAN (616,270 grains of rice) “Hand in hand gave us an opportunity with the help of Free Rice application to help the needy which demanded only the valuable time of the participants. thank you, Hand-in-Hand, for motivating us throughout the event. i think we have made it where we wanted to, when we started. I hope we will do our part to the society in any possible way in the future too” .3rd position

JAYANGI (588,350 grains of rice)“Winning isn't everything. The goal that encouraged me to play this game is that I want to help the needy through this game. Thank you so much HIH team for this wonderful opportunity”.

Where does the rice go?WFP doesn’t use the funds raised via Free rice to only purchase rice. Instead, money raised via Free rice funds a variety of WFP projects around the world, depending on where needs are greatest.

PS: The second edition of the online trivia challenge continues during the ICF celebrations. Join in and make an impact on the community and world at large.

Dream to Succeed Together we Can! Edited by Angel Ayebare Jenny Tibeihaho

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