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The "Counselor and I" Got Closer and Important

The meeting was held on 30th May 2020 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Tencent App. After a brief introduction from the Heart President Mr. Arthur encouraging and urging the attending students to seek help when the need arises, Miss Wan shared a brief presentation on counselling after she introduced herself. She talked about her background, past and present work in the field and the do’s and don’ts of counselling. She made emphasis on the importance of the honest relationship between a counselor and the patient. She also pointed out that counselling covers career guidance, relationships, personal development, among others. The next presentation was by Dr. Abdul who talked on mental awareness and the prevailing causes of addiction and other mental health issues among students. He focused on the importance of knowing ourselves, having a good support system, and living a healthy lifestyle.

Mr. Arthur also gave a brief presentation on the role of OEC Heart in mental health awareness on campus. This was followed up by the Questions and Answer segment. Questions asked included confidentiality during counselling, how to deal with the stress of the campus lockdown among others. Finally, the meeting came to an end with the Heart Veep Mrs. Mavis Mills giving the vote of thanks.

The meeting was graced by some special guest, the Patron Dean Gao, Ms. Sun , Dr. Ade from OEC and former Heart President, Mr. Junior Marfo.

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