Missing China & JSU From Around the Globe
新冠病毒肺炎疫情发生以来,我校来华留学生在各国积极配合学校疫情防控安排,留在自己的国家参与抗击疫情。与此同时,留学生们心系母校bob体育登录平台网站手机入口 ,思念在中国的老师和同学们。他们用自己方式表达着自己深深的心意。
With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, JSU's overseas students could not return to China. Although they actively participate in online classes and student event, they still miss the colorful campus life and happy time they spent in China. Here is a collection of messages from some of our OECians who are currently in various parts of the world. They share messages that they miss China, wishing to return soon and also express their wishes to China and all humanity....
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Although they are at home, but we all miss each other.Dear OECians, we hope to see you on campus soon.Until then, stay safe and keep up the JSU spirit.
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