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Self Care with JEWELS | Dealing with Anxiety and Isolation

Self Care with JEWELS was held on May 23rd, 2020 from 18:00 on the Tencent platform. The webinar was hosted by JEWELS Commission members Jusanne and Angel and ran for one hour and thirty minutes. During this time various topics were explored such as Conquering Procrastination, Increasing Productivity, Dealing with Anxiety and Isolation as well as Quarantine Self Care.

Attendees learnt from the hostesses presentation, shared their own advice and experiences, learnt new ways of coping with life while co-existing with COVID-19, how to adjust to new and stressful situations and how to rise above. The JEWELS International Ladies Association would like to extend a big thank you to all our attendees for joining us as we explored these topics at this event. We hope to see you all again at our next event.

Contact Us

08:30-11:30 | 14:00-17:00

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Students' Affairs: +86-511-88792566

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No. 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu P.R. China 212013
