Pakistan Students Motivated by President Xi's Letter
Recently Pakistan Students from Beijing University of Science and Technology wrote to President Xi Jinping of China to write about their experiences and feelings of studying in China. They have also expressed their thanks to China's efforts in control the outbreak of COVID-19. They expressed their wish to join the "Belt and Road" construction and to contribute to the friendship between China and Pakistan. 5月17日,习近平主席给北京科技大学全体巴基斯坦留学生回信,对各国优秀青年来华学习深造表示欢迎,鼓励他们多同中国青年交流,同世界各国青年一道,携手为促进民心相通、推动构建人类命运共同体贡献力量。
In the context, on May 17th, President Xi Jinping sent a reply to all the Pakistan students from Beijing University of Science and Technology and welcomed the excellent youth studying in China and encouraged them to communicate with Chinese youth and work together with young people from all over the world to contribute to the promotion of common aspiration and the building of a community of human destiny.
习近平主席的回信在我校留学生中引发强烈反响。5月19日,我校海外教育bob体育登录平台网站手机入口 20名巴基斯坦留学生代表、校友代表相聚线下和云端,与bob体育登录平台网站手机入口 领导和老师共同学习习近平主席给北京科技大学全体巴基斯坦留学生的回信精神。
President Xi Jinping's reply has aroused strong appreciation among foreign students. On May 19th, Jiangsu University's 20 representatives who are Pakistan students and alumni gathered both online and offline. They shared how they were motivated by President Xi Jinping's letter to overseas students.
JSU's International students and alumni spoke actively and talked freely about their feelings and achievements in learning. 身在澳大利亚的巴基斯坦籍校友屈原十分怀念在中国和bob体育登录平台网站手机入口 的时光,对中国在疫情期间对巴基斯坦的物资和医疗专家支援表示衷心感谢。屈原说,中国的支援对巴基斯坦意义重大,中国经验将帮助巴基斯坦战胜疫情。
Aun Raza, a Pakistani alumni who is currently in Australia, missed his time in China and Jiangsu university very much, and expressed heartfelt thanks to China for its material and medical expertise support to Pakistan during the outbreak. Aun said China's support is of great significance to Pakistan, and China's experience will help Pakistan overcome the epidemic. 博士生卡汗说,习近平主席的回信充分展示了巴中两国的深厚友谊和中国政府对在华留学生的深切关心,为各国在华青年带来巨大鼓舞。他认为,习近平主席在回信中强调了教育的力量,为在华留学生指明了努力的方向。
Imran Khan, a PhD candidate said that the reply of President Xi Jinping fully demonstrated the profound friendship between Pakistan and China and the Chinese government's deep concern for the students in China and brought great encouragement to all the young people in China. In his letter, President Xi Jinping stressed the power of education and pointed out the direction of efforts for overseas students in China. 校外网格员志愿者优秀代表、医学博士小龙对习近平主席的回信感触很深,他从1月起一直同学校老师、公安民警和社区干部奋战在防控一线。在此期间,他深切地感受到中国政府和学校对留学生的关心和爱护,中国对疫情的快速反应和有效举措让他认识到中国力量、中国精神和中国效率。他表示,自己作为网格员和医学生,一定会坚定地同中国人民站在一起,携手抗疫,共克时艰。
Asad, an excellent representative of the off-campus volunteers and a medico, has a deep understanding of President Xi Jinping's reply. He has been working in the frontline along with school teachers, police and community since January to serve student community. During this period, he deeply felt the care and love of the Chinese government and the univeristy to the overseas students. China's rapid response to the epidemic and effective measures made him aware of China's strength, spirit and efficiency. He said that as a volunteer and a medical student, he would stand firmly with the Chinese people to fight the epidemic, work hand-in-hand and overcome the difficulties. 参加活动的海外教育bob体育登录平台网站手机入口 领导和老师在交流中表示,感谢疫情发生以来广大留学生对学校各项疫情防控措施的高度配合与支持。面对疫情,留学生们团结互助,度过了最艰难的时刻。广大留学生要通过学习,深入领会习近平主席构建“人类命运共同体”的伟大探索和实践,用实际行动传递正能量,面向世界用心讲好“中国故事”。留学生要努力学习,掌握知识,锻炼本领,为中外交流合作贡献才智和力量。
The leaders and staff of the Overseas Education College who participated in the activity expressed their gratitude to the overseas students for their high cooperation and support in the prevention and control measures of the university since the outbreak. In the face of the epidemic, the overseas students united and helped each other through the most difficult time. Through exchange, the majority of overseas students will deeply understand President Xi Jinping's great exploration and practice of building "the community of human destiny", and transmit positive energy through practical action, and face the world and share their own "China story". We al hope that Overseas students will study hard, master knowledge, exercise ability, and contribute intelligence and strength to the exchange and cooperation between China and foreign countries.
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