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Applied linguistics covers foreign language teaching, application, planning and policy, foreign language proficiency testing and assessment, bilingualism and multilingualism, the relationships between language and literature, nation, society and culture, the relationships between human mind, mentality and behaviors, processing and synthesis of speech products, lexicography, etc. Studies on foreign literatures belong to the comprehensive category of literary studies that incorporate foreign writers and their works, foreign literary history, foreign literary thoughts and schools, foreign literary theory and criticism, etc. as well as comparative literary studies. The Master Degree Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures focuses on applied linguistics, translation studies, and English literature. Applied linguistics mainly comprises second language acquisition, language testing, pragmatics, discourse analysis, argumentation, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, lexicology, stylistics, lexicography, foreign language teaching, intercultural communication, etc. Translation Studies is mainly devoted theoretical issues and application concerning translation and interpretation of all kinds, including translation theory, applied translation, translation teaching, interpretation studies, translation history, translation products, translation talent cultivation, etc. English Literature mainly deals with history of British and American literature, British and American writers and their works, literary criticism, western literary theories, and comparative literature, as well as British and American politics, history, society, culture, etc. a! Goals and objectives The graduate students of the Master Degree Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures are expected, upon completing the 3 years courses, to systematically master basic theories and professional knowledge of foreign languages and literatures, to grasp the fundamental features and research approaches of this discipline; to acquire the basic skills for carrying out studies on foreign languages and literatures; to possess a strong capability for academic literature reading and English academic writing, as well as professional capabilities for future work in related fields. b! Duration of the study This program adopts a flexible schedule with time limit, which generally lasts for 3 years. As a general rule, a required extension of time shall not surpass 2.5 years. A degree candidate who gets an average 85 scores for all courses, and who officially publishes a paper on a periodical of the discipline indexed by the CSSCI, SSCI, SCI or A&HCI as the first author or as the second author (with his or her supervisor as the first), may apply to graduate 6 months ahead of time. IV Course credit 1. Course credit requirements The Master Degree Program in Foreign Languages and Literatures Candidates adopts the credit system. Graduate students of the program must earn no less than 29 course credits, among which 14 must be credits for degree courses, 14 for special elective courses and 1 for public elective courses. 2. Curriculum Course CategoryCourse nameCreditTermSchool that offers the Course Type of the CourseRe- markDegree CoursesPublic Degree CourseOverview of China31Overseas Education CollegeRequiredChinese I21Chinese II22Fundamental & Theoretical CourseLinguistic Theories21 School of Foreign Languages School of Foreign Languages  Conducted in English Conducted in English At least 4 creditsGeneral Theory of Literary Studies21Translation Theories21Core Specialized Degree CoursesApplied Linguistics31At least 3 creditsContemporary Literary Theories31Non- degree CoursesSpecial Elective Courses Data Collecting and Processing22 Selective Elective  HYPERLINK "javascript:;" Document Retrieval12Academic Writing22History of Linguistics22Research Methods for Applied Linguistics22Foreign Language Curriculum Developing and Teaching22An Introduction to Systemic- Functional Linguistics22Psycholinguistics22Intercultural Communication22Studies in Culture and Intercultural Communication Theory22Studies in Second Language Acquisition22Research Methods for Translation Studies12History of Translation22Style and Translation22Translation Criticism22Computer-aided Translation12Methods of Literary Research12Studies in Modern and Contemporary Literary Masterpieces22Modernist Literature and Culture22Study of English Novels 22Study of English Poetry22Study of English Dramas22Study of Major English-speaking Countries22Public Elective CoursesAll courses in all disciplinesElective V Extension credit requirements (e"3 credits) In addition to the course credits, postgraduate students of this discipline should obtain at least 3 extension credits. The ways to obtain the extension credits are as follows: 1) To achieve a score of 6.5 or above in IELTS, 90 or above in TOEFL, 270 or above in GRE (full score of 340), or 590 or above in GMAT (full score of 800). 2) To take public elective courses or make use of high-quality MOOC resources at home and abroad. VI Practice credit requirements 1. Academic Activities (e"2 credits) Master degree candidates of this discipline must attend more than 10 academic seminars such as symposiums, lectures, and postgraduate forums, and write complete academic reports on them. Academic activities are subject to the assessment of the Discipline Office or the supervisor. Any student who attends an international conference or a national high-level academic conference, presents his or her research paper and delivered a speech at the discussions during his or her school years shall be awarded 2 academic credits each time. 2. Literature reading (e" 2 credits) Master degree candidates of this discipline must complete reading more than 2 major classics devoted to his or her research field and a certain number (no less than 60) of refereed journal papers. Literature reading will be assessed and scored altogether by a panel appointed by the Discipline Office before the dissertation proposal is accepted. An unqualified candidate will be allowed to submit his or her dissertation proposal. The methods of assessment include organizing the candidates to answer the impromptu questions raised by the panelists on the prescribed or completed literature or asking students to deliver an oral or submit a written literature review. 3. Seminar (1 credit / time) During their school years, master degree candidates of this discipline must publicly conduct no less than 2 (including 2) literature reading exchange, academic progress report and seminar report within the scope of the discipline. 4. Practice (1 credit) During their school years, master degree candidates of this discipline (excluding on-the-job candidates) must participate in no less than 1 month of practice, which generally includes teaching practice such as classroom instruction, administering undergraduate thesis writing, checking undergraduate homework, etc. Teaching practice will be assessed by teachers in charge of teaching. See Postgraduate Education Programs of Jiangsu University (General Rules) and Introduction to Postgraduate Education Processes of Jiangsu University for detailed information. VII Advisory Committee and its responsibilities Master degree candidates shall be supervised by a qualified supervisor or an advisory committee comprising several qualified co-advisors/committee members. The supervisor (or Advisory Committee) shall be in charge of the cultivation planning and the instruction of candidates research work, professional practice and thesis writing, as well as take the responsibilities of piloting, exemplifying and supervising their academic morality. VIII Dissertation The masters degree thesis shall be completed by a candidate independently under the guidance of his or her supervisor (or advisory team). Before writing his dissertation a masters degree candidate must do a careful investigation and survey, consulting a large amount of literature, especially literature concerning the frontier researches in this discipline so as to familiarize themselves with the history and current situation of his or her main research orientation, fix the thesis topic based on the aforementioned effort, and submit his or her thesis proposal. The thesis proposal should address such key issues of a paper as research background, research program, anticipated goals and achievements, working plan and others. The proposal for a masters degree thesis of this discipline will be organized collectively, and no thesis proposal shall be accepted without the agreement of the supervisor. A proposal assessment team shall be appointed by the School comprising no less than 5 specialists of this discipline (no supervisor or member of the advisory team shall be included), with one panelist chairing the proposal assessment. The paper to be completed based on the thesis proposal shall not be submitted for reviewing and defense within 8 months. In principle the masters degree thesis of this discipline shall be written in English in no less than 15,000 words. The dissertation should have its core academic concepts clearly stated, contain a rigorous design and adopt appropriate and effective research methods. The arguments of the paper should be based on relevant academic theories, supported by truthful and reliable data and sufficient and consistent arguments. The paper should contain an objective literature review, accurate quotes or citations, and clearly labeled references or works cited. The thesis topic should have a theoretical value or practical use in a certain field of the subject. The theoretical basis of the paper must be credible. The proposed questions, arguments and conclusions, as well as the perspective or research method in the paper must be innovative to some extent and shed light on the development of a certain field of this discipline. The papers should contain a coherent program, rigorous arguments, clear expression, and a standardized format. Such academic misconducts as fabricating data and plagiarism are strictly prohibited in a masters degree thesis. IX Other requirements See related documents of Jiangsu University for the publication requirements for a degree candidate. Attachment 1: List of Major Classics and Refereed Academic Journals I Major Classics Carroll,D.W.2004.PsychologyofLanguage (4th ed).Belmont,CA:Thomson/Wadsworth. Chambers,J.K.2002.SociolinguisticTheory:LinguisticVariationandItsSocialSignificance.Oxford: Blackwell. Doughty, C. J. & Long, M. H. (Eds.). 2003. The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Blackwell. Ellis, R. 2008. The Study of Second Language Acquisition (2nd ed). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Fairclough, N. 2001.Language and Power (2nd ed). London: Longman. Fairclough, N. 2003.Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research. London: Routledge. Halliday,M.A.K.1994.AnIntroductiontoFunctionalGrammar (2nd ed).London:Arnold. Jaszczolt,K.M.2002.SemanticsandPragmatics:MeaninginLanguageandDiscourse.London: Pearson. Leech,G.&Short, M.1981.StyleinFiction:ALinguisticIntroductiontoEnglishFictional Prose.London:Longman. Levinson,S.C.1983.Pragmatics.Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress. Lyons,J.1981.LanguageandLinguistics.Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress. Matthews,P.H.1991.Morphology (2nd ed).Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress. Munday, J. 2001. 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